by James O’Heare
The Science and Technology of Animal Training
by James O’Heare
ISBN: 9781927744062
Publisher: BehaveTech Publishing
Publication Year: 2015
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 319
From the back cover:
“The Science and Technology of Animal Training is a Masters level textbook, written to help students of animal training and established professionals alike expand their repertoire of knowledge and skills in the natural science of behavior and the applied technology derived from it in training companion animals. It does not present fads or proprietary ‘one-true-way’ ‘systems.’ It provides a thorough introduction to basic through to advanced laws, principles, strategies and techniques in added reinforcement-emphasized companion animal training. It covers all of the foundational behaviors for training dogs, cats, birds, horses and humans with detailed instructions. It covers advanced training procedures such as shaping, chaining and sequencing in depth. It provides a set of hands-on trainer exercises to help the trainer develop their skills and there is a Study Questions book available for trainers to work through on their own or in a classroom environment.”