by Carmen Mayer
Gymnastricks: Targeted Muscle Training for Dogs
by Carmen Mayer
ISBN: 9781910488423
Publisher: First Stone Publishing
Publication Year: 2017
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 130
From the back cover:
“Gymnastricks is a unique programme that combines easy-to-train exercises to keep your dog healthy with great tricks for you both to enjoy.
Once you get started your dog’s fitness and muscle tone will improve, and he will enjoy learning new skills. You can use gymnastricks as a warm-up before any kind of dog sport, as training for your older or retired dog, as body awareness exercises for your youngster, or to target a specific group of muscles after injury or surgery. The best part is you don’t need special equipment for these exercises – you can start right away!
It’s not only your dog’s body that will be trained; his mind will be stimulated, too. You are asking him to actively engage in this programme instead of being a passive recipient. This book is for everyone who wants to improve their dog’s fitness – and have fun along the way!”