by Karen Pryor
Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training and What It Teaches Us about All Animals
by Karen Pryor
ISBN: 9780743297776
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Publication Year: 2009
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 273
From the back cover:
“A celebrated pioneer in the field of no-punishment animal training, Karen Pryor is responsible for developing clicker training – an all-positive, safe, effective way to modify and shape animal behaviour – and she has changed the lives of millions of animals. Practical, engrossing, and full of fascinating stories about Pryor’s interactions with animals of all sorts, Reaching the Animal Mind presents the sum total of her life’s work. She explains the science behind clicker training, how and why it works, and offers step-by-step instructions on how you can clicker-train any animal in your life.
For bonus video clips, slide shows, articles, downloadable exercises, and links expanding on the contents of the book, go to www.reachingtheanimalmind.com.
‘Karen Pryor explains positive training methods in an easy-to-understand manner that can be quickly learned by all animal lovers.’ – Temple Grandin, Ph.D., author of Animals in Translation and Animals Make Us Human
‘Whenever people ask me how to train their dog (or bottlenose dolphin, or rhino, or hermit crab), I always give them the same advice: read Karen Pryor. I’m happy to see that Reaching the Animal Mind confirms the wisdom of my suggestion: every story in this book will convince you of the power of the simple ‘click’ in focusing the animal’s attention on what you want them to do. Now read this! (Click.)’ – Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know
‘A wonderful book that is approachable and user friendly. A definite must-read for behaviourists, trainers, and the general populace.’ – Marilyn Krieger, Certified Cat Behaviour Consultant, The Cat Coach, LLC
‘Karen Pryor has been at the forefront of humane and science-based training for decades, and this book shows us why. With compelling stories and accessible science, Reaching the Animal Mind is an inspiration for everyone who loves animals and wants to train them with compassion and respect. Whether you’re an experienced clicker trainer or someone who just wants their dog to stop barking without having to yell, you really, truly want this book!’ – Patricia McConnell, Ph.D., author of The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs