DogSteps: What to Look for in a Dog


by Rachel Page Elliott


DogSteps: What to Look for in a Dog DVD

by Rachel Page Elliott

ISBN: 9781929242252

Publisher: Dogwise Publishing

Publication Year: 1998

Format: DVD

Run Time: 65 minutes

From the back cover:

“In clear, simple wording, this DVD offers an analysis of a wide variety of dogs that illustrate differences in conformation, quality of physical structure and way of moving. Photographed in slow motion, the subjects are shown gaiting from the side and coming toward and going away from the viewer. Some are shown performing the tasks for which they were bred.

Included in the study are anatomical diagrams and film clips of still and moving X-rays which provide a look at bone and  joint motion inside the dog. Illustrations throughout the video emphasize the importance of sound structure and show how serious deviations may affect efficiency and endurance.

Rachel Page Elliott has long been one of America’s most respected authorities on dog conformation and gait. Audiences the world over have hailed her unique lectures on the subject. In 1998, the American Kennel Club honored her as the first recipient of its Lifetime Achievement Award in the field of conformation.

This DVD is a companion to her award-winning book, DOGSTEPS, A New Look. Now in its third edition, it continues to be one of the pre-eminent books on this subject.”

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