Treat Everyone Like a Dog: How a Dog Trainer’s World View Can Improve Your Life


by Karen B. London, PhD

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Treat Everyone Like a Dog:  How a Dog Trainer’s World View Can Improve Your Life

by Karen B. London, Ph.D.

ISBN:  9781952960000

Publisher:  Animal Point Press

Publication Year:  2020

Format:  Trade Paperback

Pages:  353

From the back cover:

“‘Treat Everyone Like a Dog! This may seem, to some, to be an odd statement. But, it is the perfect title of Karen London’s marvelous new book. She starts with the premise that as dog trainers we already know how to use positive reinforcement and she shares how to take that knowledge into our interactions with our children, spouses, and co-workers. The book is partially a primer, reminding or introducing the reader to sound dog training practices, but it is also a guide book that shares advice and provides examples of how she used this same techniques with her kids, students, clients, and neighbours. The book is filled with practical tools, great examples, and humorous anecdotes – a great need for the training professional while easily accessible to the non-trainer. It may change the interactions with the people in your life forever! My only complaint:  I wish I had written it!’ – Ken Ramirez, author of The Eye of the Trainer: Animal Training, Transformation, and Trust

‘I wouldn’t normally read a dog training book, but I’m so glad I got Karen London’s Treat Everyone Like a Dog in my hands! her approach is full of humour, fun, and – what I like most about it – love. Love of dogs and love for people. The wisdom of decades of dog – and human – training is condensed into a tremendously useful and entertaining package. Highly recommended for anyone puzzling over the behavior of their family members or roommates of any species!’ – Clive Wynne, PhD, author of Dog is Love:  Why and How Your Dog Loves You

‘I can’t wait for you to read this book! Nobody walks the walk better than Karen London at incorporating basic training principles into her life, and reading her descriptions of how to do so is both inspiring and entertaining. Treat Everyone Like a Dog is your personal prescription for more happiness, and what could be better than that?’ – Patricia B. McConnell, PhD, author of The Other End of the Leash:  Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs

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