by Jane (Killion) Messineo Lindquist, Puppy Culture
Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog?: Understanding the Secret Life of Sex Hormones
by Jane (Killion) Messineo Lindquist, Puppy Culture
Publisher: Madcap University Press
Publication Year: 2018
Format: Booklet
Pages: 38
From the inside front cover:
“Spaying and neutering are major surgeries that remove important organs, yet most pet owners agree to the procedure as a matter of course. Is that always the best choice? We wrote this booklet to help you decide.
Who Are You, Anyway?
The problem with almost all spay/neuter advice is that it’s almost never qualified based on the audience it’s intended to reach. The ‘correct’ advice will be VERY different based on the demographics and values of the pet owner. So, let’s be clear; I’m talking to people who are like our own puppy buyers. And our puppy buyers are the kind of people who’ll drive 5 miles out of the way to pick up dog treats made from grass-fed bison. The kind of people who have bath towels that are unraveling but will pay double for a dog bed because it’s made of organic cotton harvested in the U.S. The kind of people who will post immediately to Facebook the first time their puppy takes a nap with them. With a selfie. You know who you are.”