The Dog Whisperer: A Compassionate, Nonviolent Approach to Dog Training, 2nd Edition


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by Paul Owens and Norma Eckroate

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The Dog Whisperer: A Compassionate, Nonviolent Approach to Dog Training, 2nd Edition

by Paul Owens with Norma Eckroate

ISBN:  9781593375980

Publisher:  Adams Media

Publication Year:  2007

Format:  Trade Paperback

Pages:  290

From the back cover:

“In this updated edition, Paul Owens and Norma Eckroate offer more in-depth training with additional notes, tips, and problem-solving to make training easier! In addition to the bestselling nonviolent training features that made the prior edition a classic, this second edition includes:

  • Updated material on the power of non-force training
  • Information on the newest, most effective gear for all levels of training
  • A new tricks section that will provide fun for both you and your dog

With guidance form The Dog Whisperer, 2nd Edition, you’ll learn compassionate training methods for even the most sensitive dogs.  This revolutionary, humane, and logical approach to raising and teaching promises to make training your dog the most positive experience possible.”

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