by Nicole Wilde, CPDT-KA
Help for Your Fearful Dog: A Step-by-Step Guide to Helping Your Dog Conquer His Fears
by Nicole Wilde, CPDT-KA
ISBN: 9780966772678
Publisher: Phantom Publishing
Publication Year: 2006
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 414
From the back cover:
“Is your dog afraid of strangers? Would he rather hide than play with other dogs? Does he take cover at the sound of thunder, or cringe when you pick up a brush or nail clippers?
Never fear! Regardless of what your dog is afraid of, you’ll find clear, step-by-step instructions on what you can do to help:
- How to read your dog’s stress signals
- How your attitude can affect your dog’s behavior
- How to set up a Firm Foundation program at home
- Four essential skills to teach your dog
- Easy-to-follow behavior modification programs
- Solutions to specific fears, including fear of strangers, family members, other dogs, sounds, nail-clipping, riding in the car, and being left alone
- Products that can help to calm your dog
- Cutting edge complementary therapies and remedies that can really make a difference!”