by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists
Edited by Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, DACVB and John Ciribassi, DVM, DACVB with Steve Dale
Decoding Your Dog: Explaining Common Dog Behaviors and How to Prevent or Change Unwanted Ones
by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists
Edited by Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, DACVB and John Ciribassi, DVM, DACVB with Steve Dale
ISBN: 9780544334601
Publisher: Mariner Books
Publication Year: 2015
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 360
From the back cover:
“Unwanted behavior is the number-one reason dogs are relinquished to shelters and rescue groups. Dog owners face a plethora of trainers offering a bewildering variety of advice. From rewards to dominance training, from shock collars to clickers, there are too many theories peddled by too few trained experts. Finally, the board-certified specialists of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists are here to decode how dogs think, how they communicate, and how they learn.
Combining cutting-edge science with accessible and adaptable real-life examples, this must-have dog behavior guide showcases the latest veterinary-approved positive training methods. Decoding Your Dog will resolve the complaints, answer the curiosities, and, ultimately, challenge the way we think about our dogs.”