by W. Jean Dodds, DVM and Diana R. Laverdue
The Canine Thyroid Epidemic: Answers You Need for Your Dog
by W. Jean Dodds, DVM
ISBN: 9781617810169
Publisher: Dogwise Publishing
Publication Year: 2011
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 173
From the back cover:
“If your dog is lethargic, losing his hair, gaining weight or suddenly becomes aggressive, perhaps the last thing you (or your vet!) would think about is his thyroid. Unfortunately, however, thyroid disorders can cause literally dozens of health and behavioral problems in dogs and frequently go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. And the real tragedy is that most thyroid problems are treatable with the right medical care a well-informed owner can often minimize the chance of a thyroid disorder occurring in the first place.
Noted veterinarian Jean Dodds and co-author Diana Laverdue have done the dog owning public and their vets a great service by writing The Canine Thyroid Epidemic. The book is written in such a way to inform both the average dog owner and animal health care professionals about the way in which thyroid disorders occur, can be prevented and treated.
You will learn about:
- The role of the thyroid and why it is essential to a dog’s health.
- How to identify the clinical signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders.
- The lab tests needed to identify thyroid problems and how to administer the proper medicines.
- How an increasingly toxic environment can impact your dog’s health.”