by Dani Weinberg
Teaching People Teaching Dogs: Insights and Ideas for Instructors
by Dani Weinberg
ISBN: 9781617812859
Publisher: Dogwise Publishing
Publication Year: 2006, 2020 reprint
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 170
From the back cover:
“The Dog-Training Instructor’s First Job: Teaching People!
Our human students require much more attention and understanding than do their canines. If we don’t inspire their interest and cooperation, they will not be successful in training their dogs. Dani Weinberg’s experience offers insights, information, and ideas that will help all levels of instructors both develop and maintain dog training enthusiasm and work more effectively with the human students. This two-part book looks at both the student and the instructor.
You will learn:
- Ways to communicate more effectively and how to reach ‘difficult’ students
- How to guide students towards new beliefs about their dogs
- What type of instructor you are how you can adapt your type to better assist your students
- How to receive feedback, set yourself up for success, and prevent burnout
‘This book is conversational and informative…Taking the reader on an interesting journey from non-dog person to dog addict! I believe it will be especially helpful for those contemplating taking the big leap into instructing.’ ~ Terry Ryan, Author of Coaching People to Train Their Dogs
‘You will become a better trainer after reading Dani’s book because you’ll be more aware of your training style as well as thinking about your students learning style.’ ~ Tami M. Hawes